Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

43.   Assaulting Member of Fire Service

A person is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $150 or to imprisonment for a term of 3 months who—


    (a)     assaults, obstructs, or resists any member of the Fire Service in the execution of his or her duty; or any person acting in aid of such member;


    (b)     aids or incites any person to assault, obstruct, or resist any member of the Fire Service in the execution of his or her duty or any person acting in aid of such member;


    (c)     obstructs or impedes, or resists any member of the Fire Service in discharge of his or her duties under section 41; or


    (d)     aids or incites any person to obstruct or impede, assault or resist any member of the Fire Service in the discharge of his or her duties under section 41.