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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
Back to Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Principal system of measurement
4. Primary standards to be legal units
5. Verification of primary standards
6. Declaration of Saint Lucia's primary standards
7. Periodic verification of Saint Lucia's primary standards
8. Secondary standards and periodic calibration
9. Cancellation etc. of secondary standards
10. Verification and authentication of working standards
11. Judicial notice of standards
12. Custodian of Saint Lucia standards
13. Use of authorised units for all purposes
14. Exemption of export goods
15. Weighing and measuring equipment
16. Use of authorised denominations of weights and measures
17. Use of weighing or measuring instruments
18. Prohibition on sale and use of weights, measures and measuring instruments
19. Seller to weigh or measure article if required
20. Verification of weighing and measuring equipment
21. Periodic examination of weights and measuring instruments
22. Stamping of mark of verification
23. Legal status of weights etc. stamped by inspectors
24. Pattern approval of weighing and measuring equipment
25. Prohibition of sale etc. of weights and measures
26. Sale to be by net weight or measure
27. Pre-packaged goods
28. National Metrology Service
29. Designation of Director and Deputy Director of Standards
30. Designation of inspectors
31. Use of unstamped standards, etc., by inspectors
32. Inspectors not to derive profit from selling etc. of weights and measures
33. Disposal of fees
34. Registers to be kept by inspectors
35. Inspectors to give security
36. Powers of inspection of Director, and other officers
37. Use of unmarked weights or measures
38. Sale of unstamped weights and measures
39. Use and possession of unstamped weights and measures
40. Forgery of stamp or mark used by inspectors etc.
41. Use or possession of incorrect weights and measures
42. False, incorrect or untrue declaration or statement, etc.
43. Deceptive packaging
44. Use of false weight or measure
45. Importing or packing of pre-packaged goods
46. Selling of unmarked pre-packaged goods
47. Repair or manufacture of weights and measures without licence
48. Refusal to produce weight etc., for inspection
49. Breach by inspectors
50. General penalty
51. Forfeiture of weights and measures
52. Evidence of Possession
53. Principal, liable for offences of servants and agents
54. Offences committed by body of persons
55. Police assistance
56. Fees
57. Regulations
58. Amendment of schedules
59. Settlement of disputes
60. Certificate of director or deputy director to be prima facie evidence
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3