Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

34.   Instructor's licence


    (1)   On application in the prescribed manner and on payment of the prescribed fee, the Licensing Authority may issue to an applicant, an Instructor's Licence, if the applicant meets the prescribed requirements and is not disqualified under this Act or the regulations.


    (2)   A person is disqualified from holding an Instructor's Licence if —


      (a)     the person is convicted of a sexual offence under the Criminal Code; or


      (b)     the person falls within any of the prescribed class of persons disqualified from holding such an Instructor's licence.


    (3)   The Licensing Authority may issue the Instructor's licence subject to any conditions that it considers necessary.


    (4)   The Licensing Authority shall keep a record, in the prescribed form, of the Instructor's Licences issued under this section.


    (5)   An instructor's Licence authorizes only the person named in the licence to give driving instructions to a holder of a learner's permit, in a motor vehicle registered for such purpose.


    (6)   An Instructor's Licence is unless revoked, valid for one year from the date of issue and is renewable on the payment of the prescribed fee, on a date coinciding with the date on which it was first issued and the provisions of this section apply, with the necessary modifications, in respect of an application for renewal.


    (7)   A person shall not operate as a driving instructor for reward unless the person holds a valid Instructor's Licence.


    (8)   A person who contravenes this section commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of not exceeding $2,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or both.

(Amended by Act 10 of 2006)