(1) The Licensing Authority or any person authorized in writing by the Licensing Authority or any police officer may require the driver of a motor vehicle or trailer licensed according to its maximum kerb weight to satisfy him or her that the maximum kerb weight of the motor vehicle or trailer does not exceed that endorsed on the licence issued in respect of the that motor vehicle or trailer permitted under this Act or the Regulations; and may require such person to drive him or her with the motor vehicle or trailer to the nearest weighbridge for the purpose of determining the maximum kerb weight of the motor vehicle or trailer. (Amended by Act 17 of 2015)
(2) Any person who fails to comply with a request to proceed to the weighbridge commits an offence and may be arrested forthwith without a warrant and he or she is on summary conviction, liable to a fine of $1,000. (Substituted by Act 10 of 2006)
(3) Where there is a failure to comply with a request under subsection (1) the motor vehicle or trailer may be detained at the expense and risk of the owner and taken for safekeeping until such request is complied with, and any excess load found on weighing shall first be removed before the motor vehicle or trailer is permitted to proceed on its journey.
(4) The Licensing Authority or a person authorized in writing by the Licensing Authority may before granting a licence (including a renewal) in respect of a motor vehicle or trailer, require such motor vehicle or trailer to be weighed by and at the expense of the owner in the presence of a person authorized by the Licensing Authority.