The objects of the Trust shall be—
(a) the listing of buildings, objects and monuments of prehistoric, historic and architectural interest and places of natural beauty with their animal and plant life;
(b) the listing of objects of prehistoric, historic and archaeological interests;
(c) the compilation of photographic and architectural records of the above;
(d) to locate and to promote the preservation of buildings and objects of archaeological architectural, historic, artistic or traditional interest and the establishment of museums;
(e) to promote and preserve for the benefit and enjoyment of the State of submarine and subterranean areas of beauty of natural or historic interest and to preserve (as far as possible) their natural aspect, features, animals and plant life;
(f) to list the flora and fauna in the areas mentioned in paragraph (e) and to promote their conservation;
(g) to make the public aware of the value and beauty of the State's heritage as set out above;
(h) to pursue a policy of preservation, and to act in an advisory capacity;
(i) to acquire property for the benefit of the State;
(j) to attract funds by means of subscription, donations, bequests and grants for the execution of the above objects;
(k) to administer the Trust property for the furtherance and achievement of the above objects.