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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
1. Short title
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
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1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Burial and Cremation Act, 2016.
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Act binds the Crown
4. Designation of public burial ground
5. Restriction on private burial ground
6. Registration of existing private burial ground
7. Application for registration
8. Grant or refusal of application
9. Issue of certificate of registration
10. Validity of registration
11. Re-registration
12. Display of certificate of registration
13. Revocation of registration
14. Exemption
15. Control and management of burial ground
16. Officers of burial ground
17. Closure of burial ground
18. Reopening of closed burial ground
19. Places of burial
20. Emergency burial ground
21. Offences
22. Restriction on crematorium or cremation pyre site
23. Application for licence
24. Grant or refusal of application
25. Licence
26. Validity of licence
27. Renewal of licence
28. Display of licence
29. Revocation of licence
30. Closure of crematorium or cremation pyre site
31. Location of crematorium or cremation pyre site
32. Maintenance and operation
33. Restriction on cremation
34. Request for cremation
35. Grant or refusal of request
36. Human remains to be reduced to ashes
37. Disposal of ashes
38. Importation of ashes
39. Exportation of ashes
40. Register of cremations
41. Documents to be retained
42. Disposal of documents
43. Register
44. Exhumation of human remains
50. Savings
Cemeteries Rules
45. Waiver of custom duty and service charge
46. Opening hours
Burial and Cremation (Designation of Public Burial Ground) Notice – Section 4
47. Regulations
48. Bye-laws
49. Repeal