Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2023)

98.   Eligibility for registration

Where a private educational institution in respect of which an application is made under section 97 has been inspected, the Minister shall, subject to any condition that the Minister may specify, cause the educational institution to be registered if the Minister is satisfied that—


    (a)     the premises are suitable for the activities intended by the private educational institution;


    (b)     the furniture is adequate and suitable having regard to the number and ages of the students attending the private educational institution;


    (c)     the accommodation provided is adequate and suitable having regard to the number, ages and sex of the students attending the private educational institution;


    (d)     efficient and suitable instruction equivalent to that provided in an equivalent public educational institution is being or will be provided at the private educational institution having regard to the ages and sex of the students attending the institution;


    (e)     there is adequate land for the recreation of the students;


    (f)     the proprietor or principal has not been convicted of or pleaded guilty to, an offence under this Act, or a criminal offence committed in relation to the operation of a private educational institution in the 3 years preceding the application;


    (g)     that the private educational institution will have at its disposal the adequate human and material resources required for dispensing the educational services for which the permit is issued and sufficient financial resources for that purpose; and


    (h)     the applicant has paid the fee fixed by regulation.