Every Board of Management shall, after consultation with the principal, submit to the Chief Education Officer—
(a) within one month after the end of the school year a statement containing information on—
(i) the discipline of students,
(ii) the attainment levels of the students,
(iii) the application of the curriculum,
(iv) the condition of the school and the maintenance of its property,
(v) student attendance, and
(vi) generally, any matter which directly or indirectly affects the school and its development;
(b) not later than 31 July in each year, or such later date as the Minister approves in writing, a statement detailing the expenditure of any grant made to the Board of Management; and
(c) on, or before 31 July in each year, its estimate of expenditure for the school under its control in respect of the next school year for the approval of the Minister.