Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2023)

84.   Determination of special educational needs


    (1)   Before a determination is made under subsection (2), the following procedures shall be followed—


      (a)     the student shall be referred to the Chief Education Officer for a determination of the assessments that may be required to be performed;


      (b)     the parent of the student shall receive written information concerning the procedures outlined in this section;


      (c)     prior written informed consent by a parent for the administration to the student of the psychological and other specialised tests that are not routinely used by teachers shall be obtained;


      (d)     where possible, the assessment shall be multi-disciplinary;


      (e)     the results of the assessment reports shall be provided and explained to the parent;


      (f)     a parent and, where appropriate, the student shall be consulted prior to the determination of and during the implementation of the special education programme; and


      (g)     the parents shall be provided with information concerning the right of appeal to the Education Appeal Tribunal.


    (2)   Subject to subsection (1), the principal in consultation with professional staff and parents or, where a child is not in attendance at a school, the Chief Education Officer, in consultation with professional staff and parents, shall determine whether a student is a student with special educational needs; and, if so what special education programme is appropriate to meet the needs of that student.


    (3)   Parents shall have the right to request for their children a determination in accordance with this section.


    (4)   A principal may invite a parent to be a member of a school based team that is established for the provision of a special education programme for a student.


    (5)   The school based team referred to in subsection (4) shall comprise persons selected on the basis of their expertise by the principal of a school to advise on a programme specified to the needs of a particular student or group of students.


    (6)   Where there is more than one parent for a child, consultation with one parent shall be deemed to be compliance with any consultation requirements of this section.