Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2023)

82.   Termination of programme


    (1)   Despite section 81(1), the Chief Education Officer shall, in writing, terminate the home education program if the Chief Education Officer is of the opinion, after considering the abilities of the student, that—


      (a)     the home education programme no longer meets the requirements of section 3(3); or


      (b)     the student had failed to meet standards of student achievement, as measured by achievement testing, comparable to those of students in public schools.


    (2)   The Chief Education Officer shall, in conjunction with the notice of termination, direct the student to attend a school established by or registered under this Act effective on the date specified in the notice of termination.


    (3)   Where the parent disagrees with the decision of the Chief Education Officer made under subsection (1), the parent may appeal to the Education Appeal Tribunal established under this Act within 14 days of the decision.

Division 4

Special Education