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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
62. Application of Division
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2023)
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62. Application of Division
This Division shall apply to any public secondary school established under this Act.
62. Application of Division
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
4. Responsibilities of the Minister
5. Powers of Minister
6. Annual Report
7. Duties of Chief Education Officer
8. Delegation of authority by Minister
9. Establishment of Education Advisory Board
10. Functions of Advisory Board
11. Powers of the Board to hold public hearing
12. Minister not bound by advice of Board
13. Special Committees
14. Right to education
15. Responsibility to students
16. Free tuition
17. Student responsibilities
18. Students accountable to teacher, principal, and Ministry
19. Exercise of rights
20. Rights and responsibilities of parents
21. Choice of education
22. Student records and reports
23. Damage to school property
24. Parent Teacher Association
25. School Committees
26. Wishes of parents to be considered in education of students
27. Compulsory school attendance
28. Mode of admission
29. Prohibition of discrimination
30. Age limit for secondary schools
31. Students Register
32. Transfer of students
33. Effect of contagious diseases
34. Re-admission of student on production of medical certificate
35. Temporary or permanent closing of schools
36. Zoning of schools
37. Duty of parent to enforce attendance
38. Valid excuses from attendance
39. School attendance counsellors
40. Responsibility of school attendance counsellor
41. Power to enter premises and question children
42. Offences against school attendance counsellors
43. Power to deliver absent student
44. Duties of school attendance counsellor
45. Reports by principals
46. Liability of parent
47. Compulsory school age and offences
48. Legal proceedings
49. School rules to govern discipline
50. Corporal punishment
51. Abolition of corporal punishment
52. Suspension for minor offences
53. Suspension for major offences
54. Action by Chief Education Officer
55. Establishment and maintenance of primary schools
56. Management of public primary schools
57. Boards of Management
58. Members of a Board of Management
59. Functions of a Board of Management for a primary school
60. Submission of reports, statements and estimates
61. Special or general directions
63. Management of public secondary schools
64. Establishment of Board of Management
65. Functions of Board of Management for secondary schools
66. Funds and resources of a Board of Management
67. Accounts and audit
68. Annual report, statement of accounts of estimates
69. Minutes of board receivable in evidence
70. Management of assisted primary schools
71. Management of private assisted secondary schools
72. Denomination or proprietor may add duties
73. Appointment of joint Board of Management
74. Establishment and management of tertiary institution
75. Stages of public education
76. Establishment of early childhood education services
77. Programmes and policies
78. Insurance
79. Council on early childhood education services
80. Regulations
81. Home education
82. Termination of programme
83. Special education
84. Determination of special educational needs
86. Council on Special Education
87. Organisation of schools
88. Status of public schools
89. Interpretation
90. Body without legal personality
91. Applicability
92. References and object
93. Permit
94. Presumption
95. Existing private educational institutions
96. Private educational institutions register
97. Application for registration
98. Eligibility for registration
99. Refusal
100. Limitation on instruction
101. Number of students
102. Content of permit
103. Vocational education
104. Duration and renewal of permits
105. Modification
106. Transfer
107. Information
108. Visits to private educational institutions
109. Notice to comply
110. Cancellation of registration
111. Appeal
113. Returns
114. Health and sanitation
115. Disqualification of teachers
116. Prohibition of discrimination
117. Creation of assisted schools
118. Agreement to establish assisted schools
119. Publication of list of assisted schools
120. Religious education in assisted schools
121. Loans to assisted schools
122. Status of denominational school
123. Regulations for denominational schools
124. Establishment of Technical and Vocational Education Council
125. Functions of Council
126. Directions
127. Appointment of committees and functions thereof
128. Additional functions of committee
129. Training schemes
130. System for monitoring
131. Regulations by Council
132. Annual report
133. National policy
134. Plans for technical and vocational education
135. Regulations by Minister
136. Qualifications of teachers
137. Rights of teachers
138. Exercise of general professional duties
139. Duties of teachers
140. Duties of Deputy principal
141. General responsibilities of principals
142. National curriculum
143. Core and foundation subjects
144. Key stages of assessment
145. Determination of attainment targets
146. Subject panels
147. Collective worship and religious education
148. Religious education in public schools
149. Saint Lucia Island scholarships
150. Value of scholarships
151. Qualifications for scholarship
152. Examination for scholarship
153. Entry at proposed institution
154. Forfeiture of scholarship
155. Scholar to sign undertaking
156. Travel grant
157. Award of grants and bursaries
158. Inspection of educational institutions
159. Educational institutions to be opened for inspections and visits
160. Offences
161. Appointment of Education Review Committee
162. Review and report of Education Review Committee
163. Establishment of Education Appeal Tribunal
164. Composition of Tribunal
165. Mediation
166. Procedure of Tribunal
167. Powers of the Tribunal
168. Matters to be considered
169. Final decision
170. Enforcement of order
171. Copy to the Minister and parties
172. Vendors on school premsies
173. Prohibition of sale of alcoholic beverages and tobacco
174. Loitering etc. on school premises
175. Regulations
176. Savings
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3
3. Goals and objectives
85. Special needs appeals
112. Registration and closure
Schedule 4