Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2023)

Schedule 4

(Section 127)


1.   Definition

In this Schedule—

Council” means the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council appointed under section 124 of the Education Act 1999; and

committee” means a committee appointed by the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Council under section 127 of the Education Act 1999.

2.   Composition


    (1)   A committee comprises not more than 5 persons.


    (2)   The Council shall, in respect of a committee, appoint one member of that committee to be chairperson.

3.   Acting member


    (1)   A member of a committee may, with the permission of the chairperson of that committee, appoint a person to act for him or her in case of his or her absence from a particular meeting.


    (2)   A person appointed to act as a member of a committee under sub-section (1) and shall not appoint a person to act for himself or herself nor may be appointed to act for more than one member, however he or she may perform all the functions of a member of that committee.

4.   Duration of membership

A member of a committee shall hold office for a period not exceeding 3 years, but is eligible for re-appointment.

5.   Vacancy

Where a vacancy occurs in respect of a committee, the Council may appoint a person to fill that vacancy for the unexpired portion of the period in respect of which the vacancy occurs.

6.   Revocation of membership

The Council may revoke the appointment of a member of a committee who—


    (a)     is absent from 3 consecutive meetings of the committee without leave of the Council;


    (b)     is absent from Saint Lucia for 3 months or more without notifying the Council;


    (c)     is unable to perform his or her duties as a member of the committee; or


    (d)     fails to comply with a direction given by the Council.

7.   Secretary

The Council may assign a person to be the secretary of a committee.

8.   Frequency of meetings

A committee shall meet as often as the chairperson decides, but at intervals not exceeding 3 months.

9.   Quorum

A quorum of a committee consists of 3 members, one of whom must be the chairperson.

10.   Decisions

Decisions of a committee are to be by a majority of votes, and where voting is equal, the chairperson, in addition to his or her original vote, has a casting vote.

11.   Co-opting

A committee may co-opt persons to attend any of its meetings for the purpose of assisting or advising it with respect to any matter with which it is dealing, but a co-opted person is not entitled to vote and shall not be counted for the purpose of constituting a quorum.

12.   Establishment of Sub-committees

A committee may establish a sub-committee to assist in the performance of its functions and may co-opt to serve on any such sub-committee, any person whose assistance and advice the committee considers necessary for the purpose for which the sub-committee is established.



List of Subsidiary Legislation

1.Education (Suspension and Abolition of Corporal Punishment) Order – Section 51

Education (Suspension and Abolition of Corporal Punishment) Order – Section 51

(Statutory Instrument 44/2019)

Statutory Instrument 44/2019 .. in force 1 May 2019 (Terminating 30 April 2020)

Commencement [1 May 2019]

1.   Citation

This Order may be cited as the Education (Suspension and Abolition of Corporal Punishment) Order.

2.   Suspension and abolition of corporal punishment

Corporal punishment in public schools and assisted schools is —


    (a)     suspended for a period of one year commencing from the 1st day of May, 2019 and terminating on the 30th day of April, 2020;


    (b)     abolished from the 1st day of May, 2020.