Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2023)

83.   Special education


    (1)   The Chief Education Officer shall provide special education programmes for students of compulsory school age who by virtue of intellectual, communicative, behavioural, physical or multiple exceptionalities are in need of special education.


    (2)   A student who is entitled to a special education programme shall have the programme delivered in the least restrictive and most enabling environment to the extent that resources permit and it is considered practicable by the Chief Education Officer in consultation with professional staff of the school and the Ministry of Education and the parents, having due regard for the educational needs and rights of all students.


    (3)   A special education programme may take the form of an individual education plan in that the plan is tailored to the specific or individual needs of the student.


    (4)   Where it has been determined that a student will require an individual education plan, the costs of developing, providing and maintaining that plan shall be apportioned between the student if over 18 years of age, or the parent of the student as the case may be and the Ministry of Education in such manner as may be prescribed by regulations made under this Act.