Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2023)

147.   Collective worship and religious education


    (1)   The school day in every public or assisted school shall begin with collective worship by all students in attendance at the school, and the arrangements made shall provide for a single act of worship attended by all students unless the school premises are so constructed as to make it impracticable to assemble for that purpose.


    (2)   Subject to section 148, religious education shall be part of the curriculum of every school or assisted school.


    (3)   It shall not be a condition of admission or attendance of any student in a public school or assisted school that a student—


      (a)     participates in religious education or attends or abstains from attending any place of religious instruction or worship;


      (b)     if his or her parent objects, attends any religious observances or receives any education in religious subjects at an institution or elsewhere; or


      (c)     attends an institution or an activity in any place on any day specially set apart for religious worship by the religious body to which he or she belongs.


    (4)   Where the parent of any student attending a public school or assisted school requests that the student be excused from attendance at collective worship, any religious observance or any education or instruction in religious subjects at the institution or elsewhere, then, until the request is withdrawn, the student shall be excused.