Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2023)

47.   Compulsory school age and offences


    (1)   Subject to subsection (2), a person who employs a child of compulsory school age during the school year commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $2,000.


    (2)   If a body corporate contravenes subsection (1), in addition to the said body corporate, every director and officer of the body corporate, who authorises, permits or acquiesces in such contravention commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to the same penalty as the corporation.


    (3)   Despite subsection (1), a person or body corporate may employ a student over 14 years of age—


      (a)     during the vacation periods of the school year as specified by the Minister; or


      (b)     if the employment of the student is part of the school programme to prepare students for future employment.


    (4)   Except with the permission of the principal or under the supervision of a teacher deputed by the principal for the purpose, no student of compulsory school age shall be admitted, on payment or otherwise, to any cinema show or other similar form of entertainment on any day and at any times which attendance at school is by this Act or regulations made hereunder, required.


    (5)   A student of compulsory school age shall not be allowed to loiter on the licensed premises of any person or body corporate who carries on any business in connection with the sale, storage or conveyance of intoxicating liquor within the meaning of section 2 of the Liquor Licence Act.


    (6)   Any person or body corporate as the case may be who contravenes subsections (4) and (5), commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of $2,000 or to imprisonment for 6 months, or to both.