Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2023)

141.   General responsibilities of principals


    (1)   Subject to the provisions of this Act, the principal of each school shall—


      (a)     furnish such returns as may be prescribed by the Minister by regulations made under this Act;


      (b)     ensure the observance of the provisions of this Act and any regulations made under it;


      (c)     promote satisfactory relationships with parents and the community served by the school;


      (d)     develop and implement procedures for parental and community involvement in the school and promote co-operation between the school and the community it serves;


      (e)     maintain order and discipline in the school, on the school grounds, and during activities sponsored or approved for the school;


      (f)     supervise and direct teachers and other staff assigned or rendering services to the school including volunteers;


      (g)     maintain any records and complete any returns and forms required under this Act and regulations;


      (h)     ensure the proper maintenance and care of school property;


      (i)     requisition necessary materials, supplies, and equipment for the school and arrange for distribution of them;


      (j)     attend meetings of the Board of Management, the Parent Teacher Association or school committee for the school when requested by the relevant body to do so;


      (k)     report promptly to the Chief Education Officer, the Chief Medical Officer, and other appropriate health personnel an apparent outbreak of any contagious or infections disease in the school, any unsanitary condition in the school building or surroundings and any other dangerous or unsafe condition in the school;


      (l)     report to the Chief Education Officer and to the proper government official responsible for student welfare that a student is in need of protection when there are reasonable grounds to believe that the student is in need of protection as defined under any legislation enacted by Parliament;


      (m)     prepare the school's operations and maintenance budget for review and approval by the Board of Management, if such a body exists;


      (n)     be responsible for the preparation and implementation of the school plan;


      (o)     keep parents informed of the progress and development of students;


      (p)     ensure that instruction in the school is consistent with the courses of study prescribed under this Act, or regulations made thereunder;


      (q)     include in the activities of the school, cultural heritage traditions and practices;


      (r)     formulate with the assistance of the staff the overall aims and objectives of the school and policies for their implementation;


      (s)     deploy and manage all teaching and non-teaching staff of the school and allocate particular duties to them (including such duties of the principal as may properly be delegated to the deputy principal or other members of the staff) in a manner consistent with their conditions of employment;


      (t)     ensure that the duty of providing cover for absent teachers is shared equitably among all teachers in the school (including the principal), taking into account their teaching and other duties;


      (u)     maintain relationships with organisations representing teachers and other persons on the staff of the school;


      (v)     organise and implement the prescribed curriculum for the school, having regard to—


        (i)     the needs, experience, interests, aptitudes and stage of development of the students,


        (ii)     the resources available to the school, and


        (iii)     his or her duties under this Act and regulations made under it;


      (w)     keep under review the work and organisation of the school;


      (x)     evaluate the standards of teaching and learning in school, and ensure that proper standards of professional performance are established and maintained;


      (y)     maintain good order and discipline among the students and safeguard their health and safety both when they are authorised to be on the school premises and when they are engaged in authorised school activities elsewhere; and


      (z)     perform any other related duties which may be prescribed by regulations made by the Minister under this Act.


    (2)   A principal who fails to perform any or a combination of the professional duties specified in subsection (l) is liable to disciplinary action by the Teaching Service Commission in accordance with the regulations made for that purpose by the Commission.