Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

25.   Powers of inspectors, Offences


    (1)   A constable or inspector may at any time enter—


      (a)     any pen, building, land, or place, where he or she has reasonable grounds for supposing—


        (i)     that disease exists, or has, within 56 days, existed,


        (ii)     that the carcass of any diseased or suspected animal is or has been kept or has been buried, destroyed or otherwise disposed of,


        (iii)     that there is to be found therein any thing or any place in respect whereof any person has on any occasion failed to comply with the provisions of this Act or of any regulations made thereunder, or


        (iv)     that this Act or any regulation made thereunder has not been or is not being complied with;


      (b)     any vehicle, vessel, or boat, in which or in respect whereof he or she has reasonable grounds for believing that this Act or any regulation made thereunder has not been or is not being complied with.


    (2)   A constable or inspector exercising any of the powers mentioned in subsection (1) shall, if required by the owner, occupier or other person in charge or control of the pen, building, land, place, vehicle, vessel, state in writing his or her reason for the exercise of such power.


    (3)   Where the veterinary authority is satisfied that an offence against this Act has been committed on board any vessel in a prescribed port such vessel may be detained for such time as may be necessary to bring a charge relating to such offence before a court.


    (4)   The veterinary authority shall deliver in writing to the master or captain of any vessel detained under the provisions of subsection (3) particulars of the offence for which it is detained as soon as possible after such detention.


    (Amended by Act 15 of 1994)