(Substituted by Act 15 of 1994)
African Horse Sickness | Leukosis (Marek's Disease) |
African Swine Fever | Lumpy Skin Disease |
Amblyomma variegatum and other Amblyomma Species | Lyme Disease |
Maedi – Visna |
American Foul Brood | Maligant Catarrhal Fever |
Acariasis of Bees | Mango, Ovine (or Sheep Scab) |
African Bee | Myxomatosis |
Avian Infectious Bronchitis | Newcastle Disease |
Atrophic Rhinitis | New World Screwworm |
Anthrax | Nosemosis of Bees |
Blue Tongue | Para-tuberculosis (Johne's Disease) |
Bovine Leukosis | Peste Des Petits Ruminants |
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy | Pox |
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea | Psittacosis Ornithosis |
Brucellosis | Psuedo rabies (Anjesky's Disease) |
Bubonic Plaque | Pullorum Disease |
Cafrine Arthritis Encepthalitis | Rabies |
Campylobacteriosis (Vibriosis) | Rift Valley Fever |
Chronic Respiratory Disease | Rinderpest |
Contagious Bovine Pleuro-Pneumonia | Salmonellosis |
Contagious Equine Metritis | Sarcoptic Mange in horses |
Cowdriosis | Scabies |
Dermatophilosis | Scrapie |
Duck Viral Enterit | Shigellosis |
Duck Hepatitis | Surra and Trypanesom Vivax Infection |
Enzootic Bovine Leukosis | Swine Erysipelas |
Epicoetic Abortion (Chlamydial) | Swine Fever (or Hog Cholera) |
Epizootic Lymphanagitis | Swine Vesicular Disease |
Equine Encephalomyclitis | Teschens Disease |
Equine Infectious Anaemia | Theileriasis |
Equine Influenza | Trichomoniasis |
European Foul Brood | Trypanosomiases (including Dourine or Mal de Coit), Mal de Caderas |
Foot and Mouth Disease |
Fowl Cholera | Tuberculosis |
Fowl Plaque (Avian Influenza) | Tularaemia |
Fowl Typhoid | Ulcerative Lymphangitis |
Glanders (or Farcy) | Varroasis |
Haemorrhagic Septicaemia | Vesicular Stomatitis |
Herpes Virus Group | Viral Haemorrhagic Septecemia of fish |
Infectious Bovine Rhinotrachoitis | Viral Haemorrhagic Disease of rabbits |
Infectious Laryngotrachoitis | Virus Pneumonia |
Leptospirosis | Yellow Fever. |
List of Subsidiary Legislation
1. | Animals (Diseases and Relocation) Regulations – Section 32 |
2. | Animals Inspectors (Overtime Payment) Regulations – Section 32 |
Animals (Diseases and Relocation) Regulations – Section 32
(Statutory Instrument 9/1997)
Statutory Instrument 9/1997 .. in force 15 February 1997
1. | Citation |
2. | Interpretation |
3. | Application for relocation |
4. | Relocation Permit |
5. | Inspectors |
6. | Offence and penalty |
Schedule | |
Commencement [15 February 1997]
1. Citation
These Regulations may be cited as the Animals (Diseases and Relocation) Regulations.
2. Interpretation
In these Regulations—
“animal” means any bovine, canine, equine, feline, goat, guinea pig, monkey, rabbit, sheep, swine or any bird (including poultry), fish, insect (including bees or any member of the class insecta or of the class arachnida), reptile or any other animal whatsoever, whether similar to the foregoing or not;
“animal carcass” means the carcass of any animal and includes the meat of the animal and such of its offal as is intended for consumption by humans or animal and animal parts;
“infected area” means any vessel or geographical area specified as such under section 5(4) of the principal Act;
“principal Act” means the Animals (Diseases and Importation) Act;
“relocation” means movement of an animal or animal carcass by a person—
(a) from an area infected with a prescribed disease to a non-infected area; or
(b) from a non-infected area to an area infected with a prescribed disease.
3. Application for relocation
(1) Any person who wants to relocate any animal or animal carcass shall apply to the Veterinary Authority at least 48 hours prior to relocation on the form specified in Form 1 of the Schedule for a permit and shall pay the prescribed fee.
(2) An application made under subregulation (1) and signed by a field technician in the Veterinary Division of the Ministry of Agriculture shall be deemed to have been received by the Veterinary Authority.
4. Relocation Permit
(1) The Veterinary Authority shall issue a relocation permit upon being satisfied that the relocation of the animal or animal carcass specified in the application will not result in the spread of any disease.
(2) For the purpose of providing a certificate under subregulation (1) the Veterinary Authority may direct that any animal or animal carcass be examined or inspected by an inspector.
(3) A permit issued under subregulation (1) shall be as in Form 2 of the Schedule.
5. Inspectors
(1) The Minister, in exercise of the powers conferred under section 3(6) of the principal Act may appoint inspectors to carry out the provisions of these Regulations.
(2) Inspectors appointed for the purposes of these Regulations shall have all the powers of an inspector under Part 4 of the principal Act.
6. Offence and penalty
(1) Any person who relocates an animal or animal carcass without a permit issued under section 4 commits an offence and is liable upon summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $5000 or to imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or to both such fine and imprisonment.
(2) Any animal or animal carcass, in respect of which an offence under subregulation (1) is alleged to have been committed may be seized by an inspector and, on conviction of any persons who may be charged with the offence, shall be forfeited to the Crown and may be detained, destroyed or otherwise disposed of as the Minister shall direct without liability to the Crown for any such detention, destruction or disposal.
| (Regulation 3) |
FORM 1 |
Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Veterinary and Livestock Division |
Telephone Number: ............................... |
Fax Number: .......................................... |
Chief Veterinary Officer Veterinary Division Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Castries | |
| Applicant: .................................................... |
| Address: ..................................................... |
| Telephone Number: ...................................... |
| Date: .......................................................... |
Sir, |
I have the honour to apply for an Animal Relocation Permit for the following animal/animals to be relocated from: ................................... to ............................... on the ............................... 20 .................. |
Species to be Relocated |
Species | Number | Registration Number |
BOV | ........................ | ............................................ |
OV | ........................ | ............................................ |
CAP | ........................ | ............................................ |
EQU | ........................ | ............................................ |
CAN | ........................ | ............................................ |
OTHER | ........................ | ............................................ |
Remarks: ......................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................ |
................................................................. |
Applicant's Signature |
| (Regulation 3) |
FORM 2 |
Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Fisheries and Forestry Veterinary and Livestock Division |
Telephone Number: ............................... |
Fax Number: .......................................... |
The Chief Veterinary Officer, in exercise of the power conferred by regulation 3 of the Animals (Diseases and Relocation) Regulations grants permission to Mr./Mrs./Ms. .................................................. of .................................................. to relocate the following animals from ....................................................... to ................................. on the ............................. day of ................................ 20 .............. |
Species to be Relocated |
Species | Number | Registration Number |
BOV | .................... | ............................................ |
OV | .................... | ............................................ |
CAP | .................... | ............................................ |
EQU | .................... | ............................................ |
CAN | .................... | ............................................ |
OTHER | .................... | ............................................ |
SPECIFIED ROUTE TO BE USED: ............................................................. |
Remarks: ....................................................................................................... ......................................................................................................................... |
..................................................................... |
Veterinary Field Technician |
Animals Inspectors (Overtime Payment) Regulations – Section 32
(Statutory Instruments 65/1997 and 171/2000)
Statutory Instrument 65/1997 .. in force 2 August 1997
Amended by S.I. 171/2000 .. in force 9 September 2000
1. | Citation |
2. | Interpretation |
3. | Rates of overtime fees |
4. | Minimum overtime rates |
5. | Additional rates for time of travelling |
6. | Overtime rate during meal hours |
7. | Payment of overtime rates |
8. | Rates for special services |
Commencement [2 August 1997]
1. Citation
This Regulation may be cited as the Animal Inspectors (Overtime Payment) Regulation.
2. Interpretation
In this Regulation—
“authorised officer” means an officer appointed by the Minister under section 3(6) of the Animals (Diseases and Importation) Act;
“overtime duties” mean duties performed by an authorised officer outside normal working hours, approved by the Minister.
3. Rates of overtime fees
There shall be paid to authorised officers by the Accountant General for any duties approved by the Minister and performed by authorised officers before or after the normal hours of general attendance, for each hour or part thereof, the following rates of overtime fees:
(a) on ordinary weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and from 4:30 p.m. to midnight and on Saturdays from 6:00 a.m. to midnight, time and a half of the officer's normal hourly rate;
(b) on ordinary weekdays and Saturdays from 12:00 midnight to 6:00 a.m. and on Sundays and Bank Holidays from 6:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight, double the officer's normal hourly rate;
(c) on Sundays and Bank Holidays, from 12:00 midnight to 6:00 a.m. triple the officer's normal hourly rate.
(Substituted by S.I. 171/2000)
4. Minimum overtime rates
(1) An authorised officer who performs overtime duties shall be paid a minimum of 2 hours overtime.
(2) An officer who is summoned for overtime duties and for whose services no demand is ultimately made shall be paid for his or her attendance which in any event shall not be less than a minimum of 2 hours overtime.
5. Additional rates for time of travelling
On Saturdays, Sundays, Bank Holidays, and on weekdays from 4:30p.m. to 8:00a.m., the relevant rate for one hour in excess of the actual time spent in performing the service required shall be paid to each officer engaged in overtime duties so as to cover the time spent in travelling to and from the place where his or her or her services are required.
6. Overtime rate during meal hours
(1) Every officer is entitled to a break of one hour for meals between the hours 12:00 noon and 1:00p.m, and 7:00p.m. and 8:00p.m.
(2) Where a person requests and an officer consents to work during the hour set aside for meals the rates paid on that officer's behalf shall be double the relevant overtime rate for the period.
7. Payment of overtime rates
(1) The overtime rates specified in this Regulation shall be paid by the person who requires the services of an authorised officer, to the Accountant General.
(2) The overtime rates paid to the Accountant General under subsection (1) shall be paid to the authorised officer who performed the approved duty.
8. Rates for special services
(1) Where a request is made for examination of goods at any private premises during or after working hours, the Minister may authorise officers to supervise the examination and the person who requires the services shall pay to the Accountant General:
(a) $125 in the case of a container not exceeding 20 feet;
(b) $225 in the case of a container exceeding 20 feet.
(2) Where a request made in terms of subsection (1) is in relation to general cargo, the person who requires the services shall maintain a minimum balance of $200 with the Accountant General.
(Inserted by S.I. 171/2000)