2. Interpretation
In this Act—
“animal” means any bovine, canine, equine, feline, goat, guinea pig, monkey, rabbit, sheep and swine and any bird (including poultry), fish, insect (including bees and any member of the class Insecta and of the class Arachnida), reptile and any other animal whatsoever, whether similar to the foregoing or not;
“animal carcass” means the carcass of any animal and includes the meat of the animal and such of its offal as is intended for consumption by humans or animals;
“animal parts” means the bones and bonemeal, untanned hides and skins flashings, hooves, horns, claws, hair, bristles, wool, feathers, offal, blood, whether fresh or dehydrated, meat scraps of an animal or any other parts of an animal other than the meat or offal for consumption by humans or animals, which have been separated from the carcass;
“country” includes territory;
“fish” includes crustacea and turtle;
“fodder” means grass, hay or any other like substance commonly used as animal feed;
“inspector” means an inspector designated by the Minister under section 3;
“litter” means straw or any other substance commonly used as bedding for, or otherwise used for or about animals and includes any such substance when used as packing materials;
“Member State” means a Member State for the time being of the Caribbean Common Market as established by the Annex to the Treaty establishing the Caribbean Community, done at Chaguaramas, 4 July 1973;
“Minister” means the Minister responsible for Agriculture;
“port of entry” means a prescribed port of entry and includes an airport of entry;
“poultry” means domestic fowl, turkey, goose, duck, guinea fowl, pheasant, pigeon or quail;
“prescribed disease” means—
(a) any of the diseases specified in the Schedule;
(b) any other disease prescribed for the purposes of this Act;
(c) any other disease which the Minister or the Veterinary Authority with the approval of the Minister, directs in writing to be a prescribed disease and notice of which is published in the Gazette and in a newspaper as soon as practicable after the direction has been given;
“prescribed port area” means the area of any port of entry, the limits of which are prescribed;
“suspected animal” means animal suspected of suffering from a prescribed disease;
“Regulations” mean the Regulations made under this Act;
“Veterinary Authority” means—
(a) the Chief Veterinary Officer designated by the Minister for the purpose of this Act;
(b) in relation to any other Member State, the Authority appointed to administer the legislation of that State enacted for purposes corresponding to the purposes of this Act;
“veterinary biological product” means any substance commonly known as hormones, vaccines, sera, toxins, anti-toxins, antigens and micro-organisms living or killed, or any other biological substance which is intended solely for use in the practice of veterinary medicine, and includes semen of animals for use in artificial insemination.
(Substituted by Act 15 of 1994)