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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2023)
Back to Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2023)
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Immigration officers
4. Prohibited immigrants
5. Persons not prohibited immigrants
6. Power of Cabinet to prohibit the entry of persons not belonging to Saint Lucia
7. Defined port
8. Entry of persons into Saint Lucia
9. Duty of person entering Saint Lucia
10. List of passengers and matters in connection therewith
10A. Advance passenger information
10B. Powers and duties of the competent authority
10C. Obligations to the competent authority
10D. Use and sharing of advance passenger information
11. Certificate that immigrant not a prohibited immigrant
12. permit to remain in the state
13. Immigrant to be deemed prohibited immigrant if he fails to leave Saint Lucia on or before the expiration of permit granted under section 12
14. Postponement of decision by immigration officer
15. Prohibited immigrant not to enter or remain in Saint Lucia
16. Powers of immigration officer in relation to prohibited immigrants
17. Permits to prohibited immigrants
18. Permit to immigrant to remain in Saint Lucia pending the furnishing of security
19. Fingerprints
20. Detention in custody under this act
21. General provision as to permits
22. Conditions and restrictions relating to permits and certificates
23. Notice and grounds of decision that immigrant is a prohibited immigrant
24. Power of chief immigration officer to annul or vary certain decisions of immigration officer
25. Liability of employer for immigrant employee
26. Where immigrant not discovered to be prohibited immigrant until after he or she enters Saint Lucia
27. Immigration office to cause prohibited immigrants entering or found in Saint Lucia to be removed therefrom
28. Appeal from decision of immigration officer under section 23
29. Magistrate may order removal and detention
30. Warrant to convey deserting seaman, or stowaway or prohibited immigrant who lands in Saint Lucia back on board vessel
31. Punishment or discharge of a member of a crew, stowaway or extra hand
32. Variation and revocation of orders made by the Minister, or Cabinet
33. Detention in custody and places of detention
34. Expenses of removal from Saint Lucia of an immigrant
35. Recovery of expenses
36. Offences and penalties
37. Evidence and burden of proof
38. Repealed by Act 15 of 1983
39. Regulations
40. Regulations to be laid before Parliament
41. Saving
Schedule 1
Schedule 2