Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2023)

33.   Detention in custody and places of detention


    (1)   Where a person is detained in custody under this Act or the Regulations made hereunder, he or she may be so detained in a prison or in any place from time to time appointed by the Minister for the purpose of such detention in custody:

Provided that where any such person is detained in a prison he or she shall be treated in the same manner as if he or she were a person awaiting trial. (Amended by Act 3 of 1991)


    (2)   Any person in charge of a prison, and any member of the Police Force, may, on the written order of an immigration officer, accept custody of any person, and detain such person in custody under this Act.


    (3)   No person shall be so detained in custody for any longer period than is necessary for the purpose of any inquiry under this Act or the Regulations made hereunder, or for the completion by the immigration officer of arrangements for the removal of such person (being a prohibited immigrant) from Saint Lucia at the first reasonable opportunity.


    (4)   The production to any person in charge of a prison or of a place of detention under this Act of an order of removal shall be sufficient authority to such person in charge to deliver the person named therein to the escort appointed to bring such person from the prison or place or detention for the purpose of his or her removal from Saint Lucia in terms of such order.