Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

8.   Tenure of office


    (1)   The Commissioner shall hold office for a term of 5 years and is eligible for reappointment on the expiration of his or her term of office.


    (2)   The Commissioner may resign from office by letter addressed to the Governor General and shall in any case vacate the office of Commissioner on reaching the age of 65 years.


    (3)   The Commissioner may be removed from office only for inability to discharge the functions of his or her office, whether arising from infirmity of body or mind or any other cause, or for misbehaviour.


    (4)   The Commissioner shall vacate office if any circumstances arise that, if he or she were not Commissioner, would cause him or her to be disqualified for appointment as such under section 5(3).


    (5)   Where —


      (a)     a vacancy arises in the office of Commissioner; or


      (b)     by reason of illness, absence from the country or other sufficient cause, the Commissioner is unable to perform his or her functions under this Act,


    the Governor General acting on the advice of the Prime Minister after he or she has consulted the Cabinet and the Leader of the Opposition may appoint a suitable person, to act in that office or perform the functions of the Commissioner, as the case may be.