Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

86.   Offences in connection with elections

Any person who for purposes of or in connection with an election—


    (a)     fabricates in whole or in part or alters, defaces, destroys, abstracts or purloins any voting paper;


    (b)     personates any person entitled to vote at any election;


    (c)     falsely assumes to act in the name or on behalf of any person so entitled to vote;


    (d)     wilfully obstructs or hinders the enumeration of those voting or interferes with the delivery or collection of any voting papers;


    (e)     delivers any voting paper under a false pretence of being lawfully authorised so to do; or


    (f)     not being a financial member of the society or branch and entitled to vote at any election, knowingly votes thereat,


    is liable on summary conviction to a penalty of $240, or, in the discretion of the court, to imprisonment with or without hard labour for 6 months.