(Section 8)
1. The name and place of office of the society.
(1) The whole of the objects for which the society is to be established.
(2) The purposes for which the funds thereof shall be applicable.
(3) The terms of admission of members.
(4) The conditions under which any member may become entitled to any benefit assured thereby, and the contributions payable by each member.
(5) The fines and forfeitures to be imposed on any member.
(6) The consequences of non-payment of any subscription, levy or fine.
(7) The suspension and expulsion of members.
3. The mode of holding meetings and right of voting, and the manner of making, altering, or rescinding rules.
(a) The appointment and removal of a committee of management (by whatever name), of trustees, of a secretary, a treasurer, and other officers (if any).
(b) The remuneration (including salary) payable to the members of the committee of management, to the trustees, to the secretary, the treasurer, and other officers.
(c) The remuneration so payable as aforesaid shall not include exemption from payment of subscriptions, levies or fines payable by members as prescribed by the rules, except in the case of trustees, treasurer and secretary who may be exempted from the payment of subscriptions and levies when they receive no other remuneration for their services.
5. In the case of a society with branches, the composition and powers of the central body, and the conditions under which a branch may secede from the society.
(a) The duties and obligations of officers having receipt or charge of money of a society or branch and the keeping of the accounts.
(b) The obligation on the part of the secretary to receive all moneys payable to a society or branch and to issue receipts for, and pay the same to the treasurer. The treasurer to pay out all moneys payable by the society and obtain proper receipts or other acquittances for such payment. The treasurer to be held responsible for all such financial transactions and to account to the committee of management in the manner prescribed by section 46 of the Act.
7. Annual returns to the Registrar of the receipts, funds, investments, effects, and expenditure and number of members, of the society.
8. The inspection of the books of the society by every person having an interest in the funds of the society.
9. The manner in which disputes shall be settled without prejudice to the jurisdiction conferred upon the Registrar by section 58 of the Act.
10. Provision may be made for the imposition of a levy on each member of the society to be applied towards the cost of its anniversary celebration, the amount of such levy to be fixed by the committee of management and agreed to by the general body and not to exceed $0.60.
11. In case of dividing societies, a provision for meeting all claims upon the society existing at the time of division before any such division takes place.
12. The right of withdrawal of members and the time and manner in which such right may be exercised.
13. The device on the seal of the society, and the custody and use of the seal.
14. The keeping of separate accounts of all moneys received or paid on account of every particular fund or benefit assured for which a separate table of contributions payable shall have been adopted, and the keeping of separate accounts of the expenses of management, and of all contributions on account thereof.
15. A valuation once in every 5 years when required by the Registrar of the assets and liabilities of the society, including the estimated risks and contributions.
16. The voluntary dissolution of a society by consent of not less than ¾ in value of the members, and of every person for the time being entitled to any benefit from the funds of the society, unless his or her claim be first satisfied or adequately provided for in accordance with section 71(1)(c) of the Act.
17. The right of 1/5 of the total number of members, or of 100 members in the case of a society of 1000 members to apply to the Registrar for an investigation of the affairs of the society, or for winding up the same in accordance with section 73 of the Act.
18. Provisions may be made—
(a) that the subscriptions (except levies) payable by every member who has maintained his or her membership for an unbroken period of 20 years in the society or branch shall not exceed ½ of the subscriptions payable by a member; and
(b) that no subscriptions or levies of any kind whatsoever, shall be payable by a member who has maintained his or her membership for an unbroken period of 30 years in the society or branch.
However, no pensioner or member whose subscriptions are waived under paragraph (b) of this provision shall be paid bonus or other moneys in the nature thereof. In addition, no waiver of subscriptions under paragraph (b) hereof shall apply to members under the age of 50 years.
19. The foregoing provisions numbered 15 and 18 shall apply only to friendly societies.