Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

27.   Audit


    (1)   Every society and branch shall, once at least in every year, submit its accounts for audit to the auditor or auditors appointed under this Act at the prescribed time and shall pay the prescribed fees to such auditor or auditors.


    (2)   The auditors shall have access to all the books and accounts of the society or branch, and shall examine the annual return mentioned in this Act and shall verify the annual return with the accounts, register of members, record of benefits paid to members, and vouchers relating thereto, and fully, truly and correctly answer the questionnaire relating to the audit of the books and accounts of the society or branch addressed to them by the Registrar, and shall either sign the annual return as found by them to be correct, duly vouched, and in accordance with law, or specially report to the society or branch and to the Registrar in what respects they find it incorrect, unvouched, or not in accordance with law.


    (3)   An auditor may by writing under his or her hand require the production before him or her at such time and place as may be fixed by the Registrar of all books, deeds, contracts, contribution cards or books, register of members, record of benefits paid to members, accounts, vouchers, receipts and other documents which he or she may consider necessary for the purpose of the audit, and may require any officer or other person holding or accountable for any such book or document to appear before him or her at the audit or any adjournment thereof, and to make and sign a declaration as to the correctness of such book or document.


    (4)   If any officer or other person neglects or refuses to comply with any such requirement he or she commits an offence under this Act, and if any officer or other person knowingly and wilfully makes or signs any such declaration which is untrue in any material particular he or she commits perjury under the Criminal Code.


    (5)   A person shall not conduct the compulsory audit of the accounts of a society or branch of which he or she is an officer or member.