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Legislative Drafting
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia
Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
Back to Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)
1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. The Registrar
4. Annual report of the Registrar
5. Societies to which this Act applies
6. Societies to be registered
7. Prohibition of registration of banking Societies
8. Conditions of registration
9. Name of society
10. Acknowledgment or registration
11. Appeal from refusal to register
12. Registration of amendments of rules
13. Registration of dividing societies
14. Registration of insurance societies and of societies assuring annuities
15. Registration of societies with branches
16. Establishment of new branches
17. Application of previous provisions to branches
18. Requisites for registration of branches as societies
19. Name of seceding or expelled branch
20. Contributions from one society to another
21. Incorporation of society
22. Operation of rules
23. Registered office
24. Appointment of trustees
25. Change in list of officers of society
26. Manner of keeping accounts
27. Audit
28. Annual and other returns
29. Quinquennial valuation
30. Copy of last balance sheet
31. Exemption from stamp and other duties
32. Priority on death, bankruptcy of officer
33. Membership of minors
34. Subscriptions to Government, hospitals and towards education, science and art
35. Right to supply copies of the rules
36. Rights to supply copies of annual return
37. Inspection of books by members
38. Limitation of benefits
39. Accumulation of surplus of contributions
40. Service in Armed Forces
41. General provisions as to property and funds of registered societies
42. Loans to assured members
43. Loans out of separate loan fund
44. Making of contracts on behalf of registered society
45. Security by officers
46. Accounts of officers
47. Member may dispose of sums payable on his or her death by nomination
48. Proceedings on death of a nominator
49. Payment of funeral expenses and balance of money due to deceased member in absence of valid nomination
50. Validity of payments
53. Person to whom payment may be made
54. Particulars of certificate
55. Cases in which certificates may be given
56. Inquiries by societies
57. Saving as to insurable interest, etc
58. Decision of disputes
59. Legal proceedings by and against society
60. Power to change name
61. Amalgamation and transfer of engagements
62. Conversion of society into company
63. Saving for right of creditors
64. Conversion of society into branch
65. Meaning of special resolution
66. Registration of special resolutions
67. Inspectors and special meetings
68. Inspection of books
69. Powers of inspector
70. Cancelling registration
71. Dissolution of societies
72. Instrument of dissolution
73. Dissolution by award
74. Dissolution of societies having branches
75. Notice of proceedings or order to set aside dissolution
76. Penalty on officer of registered society using improper seal
77. Offences
78. Illicit payments
79. Bankrupt not to be officer of a society
80. Limitation of office holders
81. Offences by societies to be also offences by officers
82. Continuing offences
83. Punishment of fraud, false declarations, and misappropriations
84. Penalties for falsification
85. Mutilation, of books, cards
86. Offences in connection with elections
87. Penalty for ordinary offences
88. Special offences in the case of friendly societies
89. Recovery of penalties
90. Limitation
91. Register of members
92. Fees payable to Registrar of Births and Deaths
93. Evidence of documents
94. Bonus
95. Use of forms
96. Application to existing societies
97. Disposal of Fees
98. Saving of Registrar from personal liability
99. Regulations
100. Validity of forms
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Schedule 3