(2) If any person obtains possession by false representation or imposition of any property of a society or branch, or withholds or misapplies any such property in his or her possession, or wilfully applies any part thereof to purposes other than those expressed or directed in the rules of the society or branch and authorised by this Act, he or she shall, on such complaint as is in this section mentioned, be liable to a fine of $120, and costs, and to be ordered to deliver up all such property, or to repay all sums of money applied improperly, and in default of such delivery or repayment, or of the payment of such fine and costs as aforesaid, to be imprisoned for 3 months. However, where on such a complaint against a person of withholding or misapplying property, or applying it for unauthorised purposes, it is not proved that that person acted with any fraudulent intent, he or she is not liable to conviction but may be ordered to deliver up all such property or may be ordered to repay any sum of money applied improperly, with costs, and in default of such delivery or repayment or of the payment of such costs as aforesaid to be imprisoned for 3 months.