Schedule 3
(Section 6) |
Table of Fees Payable to the Registrar |
| $ ¢ |
1. | Considering application for registration and proposed rules of a society | 2.40 |
2. | Registering a society and its rules and giving an acknowledgment of registration | 2.40 |
3. | Registering a branch and its rules and giving an acknowledgment of registration | 2.40 |
4. | Examining any new rules or any proposed alteration or amendment of existing rules, and registering the same, if necessary | 2.40 |
5. | Registering the amalgamation of 2 or more societies or the conversion of a society into a company | 4.80 |
6. | Hearing and determining any dispute | 9.60 |
7. | Cancelling or suspending the registration of a society | 2.40 |
8. | Entertaining and deciding any application for an inspection of the affairs of a society | 4.80 |
9. | All proceedings connected with the dissolution or the proposed dissolution of a society | 9.60 |
List of Subsidiary Legislation
1. | Friendly Societies (Deputy Registrar) (Conferment of Powers) Orders – Section 3 |
2. | Friendly Societies (Public Audit) Regulations – Section 99 |
Friendly Societies (Deputy Registrar) (Conferment of Powers) Orders – Section 3
(Statutory Instrument 14/1963)
Statutory Instrument 14/1963 .. in force 3 December 1962
1. | Citation |
2. | Definitions |
3. | Powers of Deputy Registrar of Friendly Societies |
Commencement [3 December 1962]
1. Citation
This Order may be cited as the Friendly Societies (Deputy Registrar) (Conferment of Powers) Order.
2. Definitions
In this Order—
“Act” means the Friendly Societies Act;
“Deputy Registrar” means any person appointed to be Deputy Registrar of Friendly Societies under and by virtue of section 3(3) of the Act;
“Registrar” means the Registrar of Friendly Societies appointed under and by virtue of section 3(2) of the Act.
3. Powers of Deputy Registrar of Friendly Societies
Whenever the Registrar is temporarily absent, for whatever cause, from the performance of his or her duties under the Act, the Deputy Registrar shall have and exercise all the powers of the Registrar under the Act, and in any such case, all acts done by the Deputy Registrar shall be as valid as if done by the Registrar.
Friendly Societies (Public Audit) Regulations – Section 99
(Statutory Instruments 4A/1921, 7/1940, 12/1954 and 10/1970)
Statutory Instrument 4A/1921 .. in force 30 April 1921
Amended by S.I. 7/1940, 12/1954
Amended by S.I. 10/1970 .. in force 25 April 1970
Commencement [30 April 1921]
1. Public auditors appointed under the Friendly Societies Act will not as such be ranked as public servants and will have no salaries, nor any claim to pension or gratuity. Nor are they to assume the title of 'Government auditors' or any similar one; but are simply to describe themselves as 'Public Auditors under the Friendly Societies Act.'
2. Public auditors are subject to the instructions and directions of the Registrar of Friendly Societies.
3. No public auditor can audit the accounts, balance-sheet or annual return of any society of which he or she is accountant, or any account, balance-sheet, or annual return which he or she has himself or herself prepared.
4. A society submitting its accounts to a public auditor must forward all the necessary materials to his or her office or place of residence, in order to save travelling expenses or loss of time. It will be the duty of the auditor, when applied to, to impress this upon the society. He or she is not bound to leave his or her office for the purpose of the audit.
5. The society must, at the same time, forward to the auditor the annual return or general statements of the receipts and expenditure, funds and effects of the society, made up in the form for the time being required under the Friendly Societies Act.
6. The auditor is to verify the annual return with the accounts and vouchers relating thereto, and either to sign the same as found by him or her to be correct, duly vouched, and in accordance with law, or specially to report to the society in what respects he or she finds it incorrect, unvouched, or not in accordance with law.
7. The work of the auditor will be strictly confined to auditing, but he or she has a right of access to all the books and accounts of the society. In event of his or her discovering errors in the annual return, or the books, accounts, or vouchers submitted to him or her, they are to be returned (at the cost of the society) for correction, unless the auditor be requested by the society to correct the inaccuracies, in which case he or she is entitled to claim an additional fee, to be fixed by the Registrar.
8. The auditor shall, in all cases, make a report to the society upon the accounts and other documents submitted to him or her, and, in case he or she has called for explanations or information from the directors or committee of management, he or she shall state whether such explanations or information have been given, and whether they have been satisfactory.
9. Societies will annually or from time to time be informed by the Registrar of Friendly Societies or his or her deputy of the name of the public auditor or auditors selected to audit their accounts.
10. The Scale of Fees set out in the Schedule hereto shall be payable to auditors for each annual audit of the accounts of a Society.
11. The appointment of auditors being in the discretion of the Minister their services as auditors may be terminated by him or her at any time.
12. A public auditor who has been found to have solicited business, whether in the shape of audits or by offering commission or any other pecuniary inducement either to officers or members of societies or other persons, will be struck off the list of auditors.
13. Auditors must make themselves acquainted with the provisions of the Friendly Societies Act.
(1) | By a Society whose membership does not exceed 100 members | ........................... $15 |
(2) | By a Society whose membership exceeds 100 members | for the first 100: ............ $15 for each additional member in excess of 100: ............. $0.06 |