Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

77.   Offences

It is an offence under this Act if—


    (a)     a society or branch or an officer or member thereof fails to give notice, deliver up, return or send any contribution card, return or document, do or allow to be done anything, which the society, branch, officer, or person is by this Act required to give, deliver up, return, send, do, or allow to be done;


    (b)     a society or branch or an officer or member thereof wilfully neglects or refuses to do any act or to furnish any information required for the purposes of this Act by the Registrar or by any other person authorised under this Act, or does anything forbidden under its rules or by this Act;


    (c)     a society or branch or an officer or member thereof makes a return or wilfully furnishes information in any respect false or insufficient;


    (d)     an officer or member of a body which, having been a branch of a society, has wholly seceded or been expelled from that society, thereafter uses the name of that society or any name implying that the body is a branch of that society or the number by which that body was designated as such branch;


    (e)     where application is made to the Registrar to hear and determine a dispute or where a dispute is referred under this Act to the Registrar, a person refuses to attend or to produce any books, documents or things, or to give evidence before the Registrar;


    (f)     a society or branch pays money on the death of a child under 10 years of age otherwise than is provided by this Act;


    (g)     a parent or personal representative of a parent claiming money on the death of a child produces a certificate of the death other than is in this Act provided to the society or branch from which the money is claimed, or produces a false certificate, or one fraudulently obtained or in any way attempts to defeat the provisions of this Act with respect to payments upon the death of children; or


    (h)     an officer of a society or branch wilfully refuses to observe or comply with any of the provisions of the rules of such society or branch relating to his or her duties or functions under such rules or with any of the provisions of any regulations made under this Act relating to his or her duties or functions under such regulations. However, no complaint shall be laid against any officer under this paragraph except by, or with the consent in writing of, the Registrar.