Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

79.   Bankrupt not to be officer of a society




      (a)     No person who is an undischarged bankrupt or has compounded with his or her creditors or has made an arrangement or composition with his or her creditors under the provisions of the Commercial Code relating to bankruptcy, shall be appointed, or if appointed, shall act as the president, vice-president, secretary, assistant secretary, treasurer, or trustee of a society.


      (b)     Any person acting in contravention of the provisions of this subsection is liable to a fine of $96.


    (2)   A person is disqualified for being elected and for being an officer of any society or branch if within the previous 10 years he or she has been convicted of any offence involving dishonesty. If any person, who, under the provisions of this subsection, is disqualified for being elected and for being an officer of any society or branch, or, if elected to be an officer of any society or branch, has become disqualified to hold such office, acts as an officer of a society or branch he or she commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for 6 months with or without hard labour or to a penalty of $240.