(1) A member of a society (other than a benevolent society or working-men's club) or branch thereof, not being under the age of 16 years, may, by writing under his or her hand delivered at or sent to the registered office of the society or branch, or made in a book kept at that office, nominate a person or persons to whom any sum of money payable by the society or branch on the death of that member, not exceeding $480 shall be paid at his or her decease. The signature of every such nominator shall be witnessed by at least one person of not less than 21 years old.
(2) The sum of money payable by the society or branch on the death of a member shall include sums of money contributed to or deposited in the separate loan account and the sums of money accumulated for the use of the member under the provisions of this Act with interest thereon.
(3) The person so nominated must not be an officer or servant of the society or branch, unless that officer or servant is the husband, wife, father, mother, child, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, or niece of the nominator.
(4) A nomination so made may be revoked or varied by any similar document under the hand of the nominator, delivered, sent, or made as aforesaid.
(5) The marriage of a member of a society or branch shall operate as a revocation of any nomination theretofore made by that member under this section.
(6) A nomination or a variation or revocation of a nomination by writing or mark under the hand of a member of a branch and delivered at or sent to the registered office of that branch, or made in a book kept at that office shall be effectual notwithstanding that the money to which the nomination relates or some part thereof is not payable by that branch, but is payable by the society or some other branch.
(7) No nomination made by an illiterate person or person incapable of writing through illness, infirmity or otherwise shall be deemed to have any validity for any purpose whatsoever unless such nomination is in writing and executed in manner hereinafter mentioned, that is to say, it shall be made by a person of the age of 16 years or more; the nominator shall make his or her mark thereto in the presence of a justice of the peace, attorney-at-law, notary, medical practitioner, minister of religion or a police officer not below the rank of corporal, or such functionary may in the presence of the nominator and by his or her direction sign the name of the nominator thereto on his or her behalf; and such functionary shall attest and subscribe the nomination but no form of attestation shall be necessary. And the provisions herein contained shall likewise apply to every variation or revocation of a nomination by an illiterate person or a person incapable of writing through illness, infirmity or otherwise.