710. Register of patents, designs and trade marks
There shall be kept at the Registry for the purposes of this Title a book called the Register of Patents, Designs, and Trade Marks. Therein shall be recorded under a distinguishing number and in due order of application, every invention, and the full name of the inventor, and the date of the patent, and every specification shall be marked with the distinguishing number of the invention to which such specification refers.
In a separate section shall be entered the names and addresses of proprietors of registered designs, notifications of assignments and transmissions of registered designs, and such other matters as may be prescribed.
All registered trade marks with the names and addresses of their proprietors, notifications of assignments and transmissions, disclaimers, conditions, limitations and all matter prescribed in relation to trade marks shall also be entered in a separate section of the register.
The existing register of patents shall be incorporated with and form part of the register.