Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

639.   Grant and sealing of patent


    (1)   If there is no opposition, or, in case of opposition, if the determination is in favour of the grant of a patent, a patent shall, on payment of the prescribed fee, be granted to the applicant, or in the case of a joint application to the applicants jointly, and the Registrar shall cause the patent to be sealed with the seal of Saint Lucia.


    (2)   A patent shall be sealed as soon as may be, and not after the expiration of 15 months from the date of application, provided that—


      (a)      where the Registrar has allowed an extension of the time within which a complete specification may be left or accepted, a further extension of 4 months after the said 15 months shall be allowed for the sealing of the patent;


      (b)      where the sealing is delayed by an appeal to the Crown Attorney, or by opposition to the grant of the patent, the patent may be sealed at such time as the Crown Attorney may direct;


      (c)      where the patent is granted to the legal representative of an applicant who has died before the expiration of the time which would otherwise be allowed for sealing the patent, the patent may be sealed at any time within 12 months after the date of his or her death;


      (d)     where in consequence of the neglect of failure of the applicant to pay any fee a patent cannot be sealed within the period allowed by this article, that period may, on payment of the prescribed fee and on compliance with the prescribed conditions, be extended to such an extent as may be prescribed.