16. Unfair competition
A trader shall be liable for damages and an injunction and for an order to deliver up without compensation any infringing goods, if, with intent or in manner calculated to injure a trade competitor, he or she does any of the following things—
(1) Procures or uses, or attempts to procure or use the trade secrets, trade lists, or other confidential trade knowledge of another improperly and without his or her express or implied consent.
(2) Assumes a fancy trade name, calculated to cause confusion with an existing trade name.
(3) Passes off, or attempts to pass off, his or her goods as the goods of another, or imitates the goods of another in any manner intended or calculated to deceive the purchaser.
(4) Procures or attempts to procure any breach of contract.
(5) Utters or publishes any false statement concerning the goods or trade methods of another trader.