590. Final dividend
When the trustee has realised all the property of the bankrupt, or so much as can be realised without needlessly protracting the trusteeship, he or she shall declare a final dividend, but before doing so he or she shall give notice, in the prescribed manner, to the persons whose claims to be creditors have been notified to him, but not established to his or her satisfaction, that if they do not establish their claims to the satisfaction of the Court within a time limited by the notice, he or she will proceed to make a final dividend, without regard to their claims. After the expiration of the time so limited, or, if the Court on application by any such claimant grant him or her further time for establishing his or her claim, then on the expiration of such further time, the property of the bankrupt shall be divided among the creditors who have proved their debts, without regard to the claims of any other persons.