Provided that, on application in the prescribed manner by the proprietor of a trade mark who proposes to assign it, or of a person who claims that a trade mark has been transmitted to him or her to a predecessor in title of his or her on or after the coming into operation of this article, in any such case, the Registrar, if he or she is satisfied that in all the circumstances the use of the trade marks in exercise of the said rights would not be contrary to the public interest, may approve the assignment or transmission, and an assignment or transmission so approved shall not be deemed to be, or to have been, invalid under this paragraph or under paragraph (4) of this article, so, however, that in the case of a registered trade mark this provision shall not have effect unless application for the registration under paragraph (1) of article 716 of this Code of the title of the person becoming entitled is made within 6 months from the date on which the approval is given or, in the case of a transmission, was made before that date.