(1) If a placement agreement has been entered into under section 89, and a child is placed in the home of a prospective adoptive parent, the Division shall appoint a person to supervise the placement of the child.
(2) At the end of a placement period, the person appointed under subsection (1) shall prepare a post placement report which shall be submitted to the Division for approval.
(3) The post placement report required under subsection (1) shall provide information and professional assessment concerning —
(a) the apparent suitability of the placement of the child in the home of the prospective adoptive parent; and
(b) the likelihood that the welfare of the child will be satisfactorily provided for in the long term.
(4) The post placement report must include —
(a) the relevant circumstances of the placement;
(b) the relations between the child and the prospective adoptive parents and members of the household of the prospective adoptive parents;
(c) the care the child is receiving;
(d) whether the child understands the meaning of adoption;
(e) whether the child has views on the proposed adoption and proposed change of the name of the child; and
(f) further information as the Court requires for the purpose of considering an application for an adoption order made under section 95.