(1) The Adoption Committee shall act as an advisory body to the Division with respect to matters relating to adoption.
(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), the functions of the Adoption Committee are to —
(a) assess adoption applications received by it from the Division and make recommendations to the Director as it considers fit including recommendations with respect to the suitability of a person to adopt a child;
(b) assess the suitability of a person to adopt a child;
(c) prepare and maintain an Adoption List;
(d) take appropriate measures to ensure confidentiality of the records of a child, the biological parents of a child and the adoptive parents of the child; and
(e) perform other functions as may be necessary to carry out this Act.
(3) For the purpose of carrying out its functions, the Adoption Committee may —
(a) conduct inquiries and make recommendations for further investigations with respect to a matter;
(b) establish procedures to conduct interviews; and
(c) solicit, accept and review reports from individuals or organisations concerned or involved in the adoption of children.