Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

105.   Change of name


    (1)   An adoptive parent may request the Court to change the given name or the surname of the child or both.


    (2)   If a request is made under subsection (1), the Court may change the given name or the surname of the child or both, if —


      (a)     the child is five years or older and his or her views are considered on the matter; and


      (b)     the child is twelve years or older and gives his or her consent.


    (3)   The consent of a child may be obtained for the purposes of this section even if the Court has dispensed with the consent of the child for adoption.


    (4)   Before changing the given name or surname of a child the Court shall consider factors that it considers relevant, including the level of maturity or the level of understanding of the child, in determining the weight that it should give to the views of the child.