Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)



    (1)   On an adoption order being made —


      (a)     the rights, duties, obligations and liabilities of the parents or tutors of the infant in relation to the future custody, maintenance and education of the infant, including the rights to appoint a tutor and to consent or give notice of dissent to marriage, are extinguished;


      (b)     the rights, duties, obligations and liabilities vests in and are exercisable by and enforceable against the adopter as if the infant were a child born to the adopter in marriage; and


      (c)     in respect of the rights, duties, obligation and liabilities vested under paragraph (b) and, in respect of the liability of a child to maintain his or her parents under the Civil Code, Cap. 4.01 the infant stands to the adopter exclusively in the position of a child born to the adopter in marriage.


    (2)   In a case where two spouses are the adopters, the spouses shall in respect of the matters aforesaid, and for the purpose of the jurisdiction of a Court to make orders as to the custody and maintenance of and right of access to children, and in any other matter under the laws of Saint Lucia, stand to each other and to the infant in the same relation as they would have stood if they had been the lawful father and mother of the infant and the infant shall stand to them, respectively in the same relation as to a lawful father and mother, respectively.


    (3)   For the purpose of the law relating to the marriage, an adopter and the person whom he or she has been authorised to adopt under an adoption order shall be deemed to be within the prohibited degrees of consanguinity; and this subsection continues to have effect although some person other than the adopter is authorised by a subsequent order to adopt the same infant.

(Inserted by Act 20 of 2019)