(1) The Court may make a supervision order for six months and a supervision order may be extended for a period not exceeding six months.
(2) An application for extension of a supervision order shall be supported by a written report from the Director.
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (2), the Court may, on its own motion and after giving the parties an opportunity to be heard, extend the period of a supervision order for a further period, not exceeding six months as it considers necessary in the circumstances.
(4) The Court may require the Director to present —
(a) a report before the end of the period of supervision which sets out —
(i) the outcome of the supervision,
(ii) whether the purpose of the supervision has been achieved,
(iii) whether there is need for an extension of the period of supervision under subsection (1),
(iv) whether another order should be made for the care and protection of the child;
(b) a report during the period of supervision which describes the progress of the report; or
(c) reports under paragraphs (a) and (b).