Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

52.   Child and family assessment report before final order


    (1)   The Director shall submit to the Court for consideration a written child and family assessment report in respect of a child before the Court makes a final order.


    (2)   The Director shall make a home visit to interview the parent of the child concerned and carry out the necessary investigations concerning the child before making a child and family assessment report.


    (3)   If the child in respect of whom the child and family assessment report is made is considered by the Director to be of sufficient age and understanding, the Director, shall interview the child.


    (4)   A child and family assessment report shall contain matters relating to the welfare of the child and recommendations as to an action to be taken by the Court.


    (5)   The Court shall take the information contained in the child and family assessment report into account in so far as it is relevant to the order being made.


    (6)   The Court is not required to accept a recommendation made by the Director in the child and family assessment report if the Court is not satisfied with the recommendation.


    (7)   If the Court does not accept a recommendation made by the Director in the child and family assessment report, it shall state and record its reasons for not accepting the recommendation.