(1) If a child is the subject of proceedings before a Court, the Court may, on an application made by a party to the proceedings, make a contact order in respect of the following —
(a) stipulating minimum requirements concerning the frequency and duration of contact between the child and his or her parent, a relative or another person of significance to the child;
(b) that contact with a specified person be supervised;
(c) denying contact with a specified person if contact with that person is not in the best interest of the child; or
(d) that contact with the child be supervised by the Director.
(2) A contact order under —
(a) subsection (1)(a) does not prevent more frequent contact with a child with the consent of a person having parental responsibility for the child;
(b) subsection (1)(b) may be made only with the consent of the person specified in the order and the person who is required to supervise the contact.