Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

58.   Order for the provision of support services


    (1)   The Court may, to facilitate reunification, make an order directing a person or child care service named in the order to provide support services to a child or the parent of a child for a period not exceeding twelve months or as stipulated in the order.


    (2)   The Court shall not make an order under subsection (1) unless —


      (a)     it gives notice of its intention to consider making the order to the person or child care service who would be required to provide support under the order;


      (b)     the person or child care service is given an opportunity to appear and be heard by the Court;


      (c)     the person or child care service consents to the making of the order; and


      (d)     the views of the child in relation to the proposed order have been taken into account.


    (3)   The Director may be required to provide support services under an order made under this section.