(1) Before a child is placed for adoption with a prospective adoptive parent, the Division shall —
(a) provide counselling and information on adoption and alternatives to adoption to the biological parents of the child or another person having care and protection of the child who is requesting a placement of that child for adoption;
(b) if a biological parent of the child wishes to select the child's prospective adoptive parent, provide the biological parent with information about the prospective adoptive parent;
(c) obtain as much information as possible about the medical and social history of the biological parents of the child and preserve the information for the child;
(d) give the prospective adoptive parent information about the medical and social history of the biological parents of the child;
(e) ensure that the child —
(i) if sufficiently mature, has been counselled about the effects of adoption, and
(ii) if twelve years of age or older, has given consent to the adoption;
(f) make reasonable efforts to obtain consent under section 99;
(g) enter into a placement agreement with the prospective adoptive parent under subsection (2).
(2) A placement agreement under subsection (1)(g) must —
(a) be for a period of three months;
(b) be made in the prescribed form; and
(c) specify the terms and conditions of the placement and the manner and the circumstances under which the placement agreement may be revoked.
(3) The Division may reduce or extend the placement period if it is in the best interest of the child to do so.
(4) The date on which a placement agreement comes into effect is the date on which the child is placed in the home of the prospective adoptive parent.