(1) The Director and a child care service specified in an emergency protection order under section 34(2) shall in exercising care responsibility —
(a) consent to the medical treatment of the child not involving surgery, on the advice of a medical practitioner;
(b) consent to medical treatment involving surgery if a medical practitioner certifies in writing that the surgery needs to be carried out as a matter of urgency and in the best interest of the child;
(c) correct and manage the behaviour of the child;
(d) give permission for the child to participate in activities;
(e) encourage contact of the child with his or her parent, relative and friends unless it is not in the best interest of the child;
(f) ensure that the development of the child particularly the child's health and education, is given paramount attention;
(g) assist in reunification; and
(h) make other decisions that are required to be made with respect to the day-to-day care of the child.
(2) If reunification is not possible, the child shall, where possible, be cared for and assisted by the child care service specified in the emergency protection order and the Director until permanency is achieved.