(1) An alien with a valid certificate or an attorney-at-law on behalf of an alien with a valid certificate may make an application to the Board for an alien landholding licence to purchase, acquire, lease subdivide land or to continue to hold land in Saint Lucia.
(2) An application for an alien landholding licence under subsection (1) must —
(a) be made with respect to one parcel of land or one subdivided lot;
(b) be in the prescribed form and contain —
(i) particulars of the ownership, location and cost proposed for purchasing, acquiring or leasing the land,
(ii) specify the purpose for which the land will be used;
(iii) identify any land that the alien currently owns or leases in Saint Lucia;
(c) be accompanied by —
(i) a valid certificate,
(ii) a document that evidences title to a legal or equitable interest in land,
(iii) proof that the land is part of an approved development, where applicable,
(iv) a survey plan lodged at the Office of the Chief Surveyor by a licensed surveyor delineating —
(A) the land that the alien currently owns or leases;
(B) the land that the alien intends to purchase, acquire or lease; or
(C) each subdivided lot,
(v) the Map Sheet and the register with respect to —
(vi) in the case of an application for an alien landholding licence to hold a subdivided lot, the prescribed subdivision fee,
(vii) a statutory declaration that verifies the information provided in the application.