Revised Laws of Saint Lucia (2022)

13.   Notice to quit


    (1)   Every notice to quit served under the provisions of this Act shall be in writing and signed by the landlord or tenant as the case may be, or his or her agent or solicitor. It shall describe clearly the small holding which is sought to be recovered or intended to be quitted and the proper day on which possession is to be delivered up.


    (2)   The forms of notice to quit prescribed in Schedule 2 to this Act, with such variations as circumstances may require, shall be used.


    (3)   Service of a notice to quit may be effected either personally on the person to be served or by leaving the same with any adult person at his or her last or most usual place of abode in Saint Lucia, or if the person to be served cannot be found and the place of his or her abode either is not known or admission thereto cannot be obtained, then by posting the same on some conspicuous place on the small holding or by mailing it to his or her last known address in Saint Lucia by registered post.