(1) The Board shall meet at least 6 times each year or at such times as may be necessary or expedient for the transaction of business of the Authority.
(2) The meetings of the Board must be held at the place the Chairperson determines.
(3) The Chairperson may call a special meeting of the Board within 48 hours of receipt of a written request for that purpose addressed to the Chairperson by three directors.
(4) The Chairperson and any other director is deemed to be present at a meeting of the Board if the Chairperson or the other director participates by telephone, video link or satellite, and all directors participating in the meeting are able to hear and to speak to each other.
(5) At a meeting of the Board —
(a) the Chairperson shall preside; or
(b) if the Chairperson is not present, the Deputy Chairperson shall preside; or
€ if the Chairperson or the Deputy Chairperson is not present, the directors present shall choose one of their number to preside.
(6) A meeting of the Board is constituted if at the meeting there is the presence of the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson and a quorum of not less than 5 directors participating in the meeting.
(7) Decisions of the Board shall be taken by a simple majority of votes of directors present and voting at the meeting.
(8) The Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson shall have an original vote and in cases of equal division the Chairperson or Deputy Chairperson shall have the casting vote.
(9) The Board may co-opt a person to attend a meeting of the Board at which it is proposed to deal with a particular matter, for the purpose of assisting or advising the Board, but a co-opted person shall not have the right to vote.
(10) Minutes of each meeting of the Board shall be recorded and kept by the Chief Corporate Officer.
(11) Subject to this section, the Board may regulate its own proceedings.