(1) A trustee in bankruptcy shall, upon production to the Registrar of a certified copy of the order of court adjudging a proprietor bankrupt, or directing that the estate of a deceased proprietor shall be administered according to the law of bankruptcy, be registered as proprietor of any land, lease or hypothec of which the bankrupt or deceased proprietor is proprietor in his or her place and a copy of the order shall be filed.
(2) A trustee in bankruptcy shall be described in the register as “trustee of the property of .............................................(here insert name of bankrupt) a bankrupt”.
(3) The trustee in bankruptcy shall hold the land, lease or hypothec of which he or she is registered as proprietor subject to any restrictions contained in any law relating to bankruptcy or in any order of court and subject to any liabilities, rights or interests which are unregistered but are nevertheless enforceable and subject to which the bankrupt or the deceased proprietor held the same, but for the purpose of dealing with such land, lease or hypothec the trustee in bankruptcy shall have all rights and be subject to all the limitations conferred or imposed by this or any other written law on a proprietor who has acquired land, a lease or a hypothec for consideration.